Saturday, February 9, 2019

World view

So my family are convinced I'm delusional. Well if that means seeing the world for what it truly is delusional then hell yes I am.

I've pulled away from mainstream media and have absolutely no interest in politics or raising awareness of anything unless it directly affects myself or those close to me.

Is it selfish? Maybe but we all should only take on battles with others that we truly understand.

Now I'm going to preach now. One voice is all it takes to protest. If you shout loud enough people will join you in your fight.

Charity most certainly begins at home. The home you personally inhabit.

On the other hand we must not fall in to the trap of turning away from something that's distasteful or disturbing. However putting horrendous pictures on social media is counterproductive and actually turns people away from the cause your fighting.

Reach out in other ways. Use social media for good. I've been guilty of running people down on social media and its actually bullying. So I've just cut ties with those negative people.

My advice don't like what someone's point of view is that's ok. But debate healthily. And then agree to disagree.

Shouting at people achieves nothing and actually in turn you've lost the debate by your own actions.

My Dad once told me this. You have 2 eyes 2 ears and one mouth. Use them in that ratio.

In other words look listen then speak. If we all did this we could actually achieve so much more as humans. We have so much potential for good. But also so much potential to be destructive.

Look to history to see what we've achieved good and bad. Let's raise a generation of explorers, peace keepers and above all educators. We need these people.

Listen to the experts. They have the knowledge and love to share it. I've learnt so much by listening to them and educating myself better.

Ask yourself this. Why do governments put so little money in to education?

My answer. Educated people are dangerous to them because we question their true motives. We are harder to control and that scares them.

We kid ourselves in to thinking we live in a democracy. We certainly do not.

Mainstream media is bought and paid for by governments and used to sell propaganda.

My advice do what I did. Research for yourself. You might just be surprised by what's actually going on.

Only you have control of what you believe in. And no one has any right to push their beliefs on to you ever.

Your truth gives you the power to stand up and shout and fight.

That's your job to do and no one else's

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