Saturday, February 16, 2019

What are my motives for writing this blog?

Its pretty simple. I'm pissed off and angry at a system that has failed me my whole life.

The NHS failed me since birth and still is now.

Social services have let my family and myself down twice.

Once when I was sexually abused. The second time was my section.

My family let me down when they panicked and sectioned me because they perceived my actions as being dangerous to myself.

The government have let me down because I'm disabled and mentally unwell.

So my true motive is to inspire just one person to take action. To stand up and fight. And above all to never back down.

That's it. Do I want fame? YES. Do I want fortune?YES

What I truly desire. To have a peaceful stress free life.

I'm trying to turn my anger in to fighting. And I'm finally succeeding.

So just do what I do. Be the best you can be. Screw the haters. They're just scared.

Love yourself. And tell yourself you ARE good enough. You ARE enough and you will ALWAYS be enough. Every single day.

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