Thursday, February 14, 2019


So I've started having flashbacks to the night I was sectioned.

It's only fragments of time. I remember having a shower and hearing what I thought was my husband talking to my GP and my GP saying she thought I was trying to send everyone a message. Then another phrase about how I shouldnt have been told by another doctor that I could be a poster child or an example to others.

I also remember someone saying to me how sad it is not to be in touch with my childhood best friend and how alone I would feel.

I've been told I was in Swindon for 3 days yet I distinctly felt that we hadn't travelled far enough or been in the van long enough. But I didn't have my glasses on.

I remember saying I was afraid that people would think I'm racist.

I also remember paramedics coming in to my room and asking me to drink fluids which I did do.

I also remember my husband just sat in the lounge ignoring my requests for him to speak to me and explain what was happening.

The last memory I have is someone saying that one day I would understand what this whole thing has been about and why it needed to happen. The world would understand too.

The more memory's that start coming back. The less I trust my family and husband.

I'm writing this down so I can maybe one day put the puzzle back together.

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