Monday, February 18, 2019

Domestic abuse

Now most of us are outraged about domestic violence.

But how many people are outraged by psychological abuse?

I suffered for 13 years at the hands of someone who I thought loved me and I changed my life to suit him.

Why did I do this?

Low self esteem. Being bullied. Being sexually abused.

I found out a month before we were married that he had been unfaithful online.

Did he physically cheat? No he did far worse. He made me question my on sanity.

I listened to people telling me he was such a good man dont push him away.

Now the reverse its what's true. He never deserved to have me in his life.

Does it hurt? All the time.

I've lost my family because of his actions.

But on the positive side. I'm free. Free to be the person people love and want to be around.

To me that's the greatest thing to come out of my life. Other human beings and their stories.

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